From Light to Fright: A short history of decorating for Halloween

Hello, ghouls and goblins! As the leaves crunch beneath our feet and the air turns crisp, we know it's that time of year again – Halloween! But have you ever wondered how we went from simple harvest festivals to elaborate haunted houses? Gather round and I will tell you a tale..

Chapter 1: The darker half

Long before inflatable pumpkins and motion-activated skeletons, Halloween, or "Samhain" as it was known in ancient Celtic cultures, marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the dark half of the year. People believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead blurred, allowing spirits to walk the Earth. To ward off malevolent entities, they carved turnips and later, pumpkins, into eerie faces to frighten away unwanted guests.

Chapter 2: A ship to the New World

Fast forward to the 19th century, when Halloween crossed the Atlantic and found itself in the New World. They added a touch of elegance to the spooky festivities, incorporating the spectacular autumnal colours of New England. Autumn leaves, curiosities, and homemade crafts were use to create festive displays and spooky vignettes. Delicate paper lanterns adorned with witches and black cats illuminated their celebrations, giving birth to a new era of Halloween décor.

Chapter 3: Fright Night

As the 20th century rolled in, so did commercialisation. Pre-made costumes and decorations became widely available, inspiring a new wave of creativity. Americans started decking out their homes with cobwebs, skeletons, and eerie lighting, turning their yards into mini-haunted forests. It was a time of friendly neighborhood competitions to see who could conjure the spookiest scene!

Chapter 4: Ghost in the Machine

Today, Halloween decorating has reached new heights. With the advent of LED lights, animatronics, and projection mapping, it's not unusual to stumble upon houses that rival professional haunted attractions. Social media platforms provide an avenue for DIY enthusiasts to share their spooky creations, inspiring others to join in the fun.